FREE Covid Tests at

Did you know it’s easy to get free at-⁠home COVID-⁠19 tests through the mail? Take advantage of this program that entitles every U.S. household to receive four free COVID-⁠19 rapid tests delivered directly to your home. After you’ve tested, report your result – whether it’s positive or negative! Report at-home test results to public health agencies at 

Wellness Wednesday: From Conflict to Connection with Donna Duncan, LCSW

Join us for an evening with Donna Duncan, LCSW and Clinical Director at South Peninsula Behavioral Healthy Services. She will discuss strategies for transforming conflict to connection. A great skill to have in any relationship.
Yoga this month is led by Joolee Aurand. Joolee has taught Restorative, Acro, AcroFit, Sampoorna, Vinyasa and Five Elements yoga classes from Antarctica to Puerto Rico to Alaska and Pennsylvania.
The focus for this evening’s acro yoga is “Therapeutic Flying.” It’s accessible to all, and a lovely way to commune with others.
We’ll also have hot soup and delicious bread! This is a FREE event; everyone is welcome! Come for a part or stay for all!

Homeless, At-risk of Being Houseless, and Those in Need Invited to Get Free Help

Community Resource Connect (CRC) is a free, one-day event on Tuesday, January 30th, intended for those who are homeless, at risk of being houseless, or for those in need of extra support for their daily living situation.

Formerly called “Homeless Connect”, CRC offers a one-stop shop for individuals to gather resources, get connected with assistance, and collect necessary supplies. Emergency gear, backpacks, comfort packs, laundry and shower vouchers, food to go, sleeping bags and hygiene kits are but a few of the free supplies to be offered. Over 20 vendors will offer health screenings, information, enrollment to services and more. 

This one-day event happens on Tuesday January 30th from 11AM-3PM in two locations on the Southern Kenai Peninsula: the SPARC at 600 Sterling Highway in Homer, and the VFW in Anchor Point. A point in time homeless count and data collection will happen at these events, as part of a nationwide point-in-time homeless count.

Free transportation is offered to and from both locations. In Homer call (907) 235- 0285; in Anchor Point call (907) 299-8437.

Donated supplies are welcome in advance. Download pdf flyer.

This event is sponsored by South Peninsula Hospital and a group of local, non-profit agencies with help from concerned citizens, and happens in conjunction with the Kenai Peninsula Project Homeless Connect. More information can be found on the public facebook event page, Community Resource Connect.