IMG_3048_2The South Peninsula Hospital Board of Directors is always looking for new members to join in working towards excellence in community healthcare.Being a board member is a serious responsibility with unexpected rewards. The opportunity to work with fellow community members to make important decisions for the future care of our families and neighbors is a challenge worth the time and energy required. The individual board members work together as a team to lead the hospital.

Many different factors contribute to an ideal board member including the range and type of professional and volunteer experience you have, the time commitment you can make, and your analytical, interpersonal, and communication skills. However, the most important factor is your interest and desire to contribute to your community. Service on the board offers the opportunity for personal growth and skills development at many levels as well.

Our regularly scheduled meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of the month @ 5:30 p.m. Please take the time to review the materials below. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at

Click here for:
Responsibilities of Board Members
Board Member Application
Conflict of Interest Questionnaire