South Kenai Peninsula Hospital Area Board
The South Peninsula Hospital Service Area Board oversees tax dollars for a healthier community. They represent the residents of the service area, which covers the majority of the southern peninsula, from Clam Gulch south. Tax dollars are collected in the service area and used specifically for capital projects and major equipment for the hospital. These funds are not used for general operations, but instead to enhance the hospital’s service with state-of-the-art technology and a modern facility.
The Board is made up of residents elected from the service area to work cooperatively with the South Peninsula Hospital, Inc. Board of Directors and Kenai Peninsula Borough Assembly and Administration to expand the level of healthcare offered in our community. The South Kenai Peninsula Hospital Service Area Board regular monthly meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm, at the hospital and on ZOOM. The Committee of the Whole will meet at 5:30 pm in a worksession. The public is welcome to attend both meetings. The ZOOM link is available on the Kenai Peninsula Borough website here.