Data Breach – SPH has been informed of a potential patient information data-breach in May, 2022 involving Professional Finance Company, Inc., a vendor contracted to recover outstanding payments. Personal identification information of approximately 250 patients was possibly accessed, and those patients have been mailed written notice. See letter and official notice below for additional information and advisement.

Our goal is to streamline your visit to South Peninsula Hospital, making it smooth and seamless. Learning as much about the registration process and your procedure in advance will help with this process. Please be sure you’ve received specific instructions from department staff prior to your visit. They will tell you any specific directions, such as where to park, what entrance to use, what to bring, how long to expect and if there is a diet restriction. Knowing this prior to your visit will help you know what to expect and make for a more pleasant experience.

Need help with marketplace enrollment?  South Peninsula Hospital is a designated Certified Application Counselor Organization and offers resources for consumers requiring assistance in the enrollment process.

If there is more information that you need, or you haven’t received specific instructions, don’t hesitate to contact the front desk at 235-8101 and the receptionist will connect you to the staff with the answers.