Recognize a South Peninsula Hospital Nurse with a DAISY Award Nomination
DAISY is an acronym for Diseases Attacking the Immune System.
The DAISY Award is an international recognition program started in memory of J. Patrick Barnes. The family created The DAISY Award to express gratitude to nurses and to enable other patients, families, and staff to thank and honor their special nurses.
Please visit the DAISY Foundation to learn more about Pat’s story and how The DAISY Award recognizes Extraordinary Nurses.
If you would like to recognize a South Peninsula Hospital nurse who has shown extraordinary compassion and care, please provide the requested information using the button below or by scanning the code. Paper nomination forms also available at South Peninsula Hospital.
Who can nominate?
Patients, families, volunteers, and professional colleagues.
Who can be nominated?
Any licensed nurse observed providing extraordinarily compassionate care at South Peninsula Hospital.