Planet Youth Homer convenes evening of information for parents of teens and tweens
Planet Youth Homer is a local group of people and agencies working to provide parents and caregivers of teenagers and tweens the resources and information to help our community’s youth live their best lives. The group is hosting their first ever event with three presentations, discussion time with parents and caregivers as well as connection to resources.
The event is Thursday, February 6 from 5:30-7:30pm at the Kenai Peninsula College- Kachemak Bay Campus. Dinner and free childcare are provided.
One presentation will focus on the history and goals of the Planet Youth Homer Project, including a new “Where Can I Homer” project to help connect teens and children to local offerings. This will also include a Teen Mental Health First Aid presentation by certified local instructors. Another presentation by Kari Dendurent, Assistant Superintendent of Kenai Peninsula Borough School District, will present data from a recent survey by Hanover Research on school climate and mindset. This presentation will look at the importance of focusing on the social-emotional well-being and mental health of students and staff to better foster feelings of safety, connection, engagement, and ultimately, success. A third presentation provided by City of Homer Police Department Lieutenant Ryan Browning will focus on teen online safety.
The evening will end with a Q&A discussion with youth-serving professionals.
Nationally, data trends have been showing a reported decrease in adolescent mental health and wellbeing and an increase in suicidal thoughts. According to Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) reported from the Center for Disease Control on 2023 data, “4 in 10 high school students experienced persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness. Poor mental health is associated with health risks during adolescence and into adulthood.” Learning about how our local youth are reporting will help guide the community-driven process and strategies of Planet Youth Homer.
Planet Youth Homer is a group of people and agencies in the community who want to help youth live their best lives. This grassroots community effort uses a proven model (Icelandic Prevention Model) to create a safe and supportive environment where youth have healthy experiences and get the care they need as they grow.
The event is supported by Kenai Peninsula College, South Peninsula Hospital, Homer Foundation, and the SKP Resilience Coalition, part of the MAPP Health Coalition. Questions can be directed to Anna Meredith, Youth Project Manager for Planet Youth Homer at