Stop the Bleed – Save a Life!

Minutes count! Someone who is severely bleeding can bleed to death in as little as 5 minutes. That’s why bleeding control is the purpose of The American College of Surgeons Stop the Bleed training.

So far, over 30 people in our community have been trained to Stop the Bleed, and over 1  million have been trained worldwide! 

Through a Stop the Bleed course, you’ll gain the ability to recognize life-threatening bleeding and intervene effectively. The person next to a bleeding victim may be the one who’s most likely to save them.

Opportunities to take this free, one-hour class in Homer will be offered regularly in 2020. Dates will be posted here and on community calendars. Add your name to the list to be contacted for the next class by calling 907-235-0285 or emailing

Take the course and become empowered to make a life or death difference when a bleeding emergency occurs. Stop the Bleed. Save a Life!

Click here more info about Stop the Bleed.

Click here for the PDF of the Stop the Bleed Booklet!