Megan's Place: Syringe Exchange & more

Megan's Place: Syringe Exchange & more

February 4, 2025

Every first and third Tuesday from 5-7PM at the SPH Training Center at t 4014 Lake Street, Suite 101, anyone in need can safely & confidentially dispose of used needles & obtain clean needles, and access free resources and information including naloxone (overdose) kits, sanitary products, free rapid on-site HIV/AIDS & Hep-C testing and more.

You can call (907) 841-7204 or email for more information.

Check out the Facebook page  and website for All Things Recovery, (formerly All Things Addiction and the Southern Kenai Peninsula Opioid Task Force) for more great info and to get involved.

Additionally, South Peninsula Hospital accepts sharps on the second Wednesday of each month from 1 - 3 p.m. During this time only, sharps will be accepted from the public and only at the loading dock entrance, found on the lower level east side below the main entrance. Refer to this brochure for additional information on safe options for needle disposal and this handout: What should I do if I find a needle?

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