The week's events

  • - SPH Board of directors Meeting (open to the public)
    SPH Board of directors Meeting (open to the public)

    SPH Board of directors Meeting (open to the public)

    September 24, 2025

    Monthly Board meetings are generally held every fourth Wednesday of the month at 5:30pm.  The public is welcome to attend the meetings virtually and in person in the hospital's conference rooms (located on the lower level - please use the Bartlett Street entrance).

    Click here to join Zoom meeting
    Meeting ID: 878 0782 1015 Pwd: 931197
    Phone Line: 669-900-9128 or 301-715-8592

    Meeting agendas, minutes and packets can be found here. Packets are generally posted on the Monday prior to the Board meetings.

    Information on how to join the virtual meetings and make public comments can be found here: Attending Board of Directors Meetings Virtually

    South Peninsula Hospital, Inc. is non-profit organization governed by an 11-member board of directors which ensures the hospital is fiscally sound while maintaining the quality of care and types of services desired by the residents in the Southern Kenai Peninsula Hospital Service Area.

    The board members are appointed to three-year terms upon completing an interview process by the board's Membership Committee.

    The Board welcomes and encourages community input for the direction of your hospital. Please plan to attend a meeting (public comments are welcomed at the beginning and end of the meeting), or email a message to them at

    South Peninsula Hospital Conference Rooms 1 & 2
    4300 Bartlett Street
  • - Communication Disorder Support Group
    Communication Disorder Support Group

    Communication Disorder Support Group

    September 27, 2025

    Join us for a Communication Disorder Support Group on the last Saturday of each month. This group offers a welcoming space for individuals with speech, voice, and communication disorders and their families to share experiences, access resources, and find encouragement to communicate in supported ways.

    Last Saturday of every month starting February 22nd, Noon-1pm


    SPH Training Center
    4014 Lake St #101
    Homer, Alaska 99603
    (907) 235-0372