Know Your Numbers: Understanding Lab Results

Thank you to all who attended “Know Your Numbers: Understanding Your Lab Results”, a free community forum to help individuals interpret their lab results from the annual Rotary Health Fair.

Michael Hennigan, MD, Endocrinologist, Board Certified in Internal Medicine, provided the free presentation on Tuesday, November 15th from 6:00-7:30pm at Kenai Peninsula College discussing the purpose of each test and what the results mean, followed by a question and answer period.  Dr. Hennigan is a visiting specialist to the South Peninsula Hospital, offering endocrinology clinics at the South Peninsula Family Care Clinic on a monthly basis.

To view the video recording of this presentation, click here.

For a PDF of Dr. Hennigan’s slides, click here.

Rotary Health Fair

In-Person Health Fair Returns Saturday, November 5th!

Our free in-person fair event returns on Saturday, November 5th, 2022 from 9am-1pm at the Homer High School!

Over fifty exhibits will offer health information, screenings, demonstrations and more – click here for a printable PDF of the full exhibitor list. Don’t miss the Nolan the Colon inflatable walk-through experience, free flu shots, CPR trainings, Great Candy Exchange, and more! Click here for the full event flyer and visit for more information.

Rotary Health Fair is in it’s 39th year and is sponsored by Homer Kachemak Bay Rotary in cooperation with South Peninsula Hospital. This year marks the return of the in person fair after a two year hiatus due to the pandemic.

End of Life community forum with Dr. Giulia Tortora

In September, South Peninsula Hospital hosted “End of Life Decision Making” presentation to discuss living wills, medical power of attorney and medical and legal components related to end of life. Presenters were Dr. Giulia Tortora, family practice physician at Homer Medical Center and Lindsay Wolter, local estate planning attorney. A recording of the event, and handouts are posted below.

Click here for PDF flyer.

Watch the video recording below or at this link.


PDF Slides of Dr. Tortora’s presentation

Alaska POLST (Physician Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment) Form

Alaska Advance Health Care Directive

The Five Wishes Document

Estate Planning Handout

Dr. Christy Martinez and Dr. Sarah Roberts named as full time hospitalists

Dr. Christy Martinez and Dr. Sarah Roberts, board certified family medicine physicians at Homer Medical Center, have accepted full time positions as hospitalists at South Peninsula Hospital. Their move from family medicine to inpatient will begin on October 1. A third hospitalist, Dr. Kira Bendixen, will be joining them in November to complete the hospitalist team.

South Peninsula Hospital shifted to a hybrid hospitalist model over three years ago, when the providers from Homer Medical started rotating week-long coverage at the hospital. This was the first step towards having dedicated hospitalists, who work exclusively in the inpatient setting. However, it has been a continuing desire of the medical staff to have a more consistent, permanent team for inpatient care. The COVID19 Pandemic challenged the hospital to increase the capacity to care for critically ill and complex medical patients locally, particularly when the option to send these patients north to larger and more specialized hospitals was delayed or not available.  Additionally, Homer Medical was in need of a more consistent schedule of providers to offer patients, especially for scheduling recurring appointments. Dr. Christina Tuomi, Chief Medical Officer at the hospital and one of the primary care providers at Homer Medical Center, is excited about the decision. “With this change, the hospital is further developing services and expertise in our inpatient-based care, while offering more consistent access to providers and long range scheduling of appointments in the clinic setting. All to best serve our patients and the community.”

Dr. Martinez and Dr. Roberts have a combined 16 years of practicing family medicine at Homer Medical Center, Dr. Martinez with six and Dr. Roberts with ten. Dr. Martinez was born at South Peninsula Hospital and raised on the southern Kenai Peninsula, so brings lifelong connections to the community outside her practice. Their experience and personal knowledge of hundreds of patients and families will be an important addition to their medical expertise in their role as hospitalists. Martinez has been serving in the role of Hospital Medicine Director for the last four years, overseeing the inpatient area, and both have been part of the rotating schedule providing hospital coverage.   

Martinez reflects, “I will greatly miss the opportunity to care for local residents as their family physician, but I look forward to being a part of increasing Homer’s inpatient based services that will grow our local care to meet the needs of our community in new and necessary ways.” Roberts expressed, “I am honored to continue providing care for individuals and families during some of the most joyful, trying and difficult times, and hope that being a familiar face will make a difference.”

Both providers have added clinic days during the month of September to allow for necessary appointments to assist with the transition. Homer Medical Center is adding new providers to ensure choice and access for patients. Joe Llenos, MD, board certified in family medicine, and Bonnie Turner, family nurse practitioner, are joining the team and will begin seeing patients at the end of August. Additionally, Drs. Tortora, Swain and Tuomi will now have increased capacity to see more patients at Homer Medical as they will no longer have hospital rotations.  For a complete list of providers at Homer Medical Center, visit


End-of-Challenge Party and Awards for Homer Steps Up! 2022!

The 6th Annual Free Community Walking Challenge “Homer Steps Up! 2022” ends on Saturday, May 28th! Join Homer Steps Up!, our co-sponsors, and Peninsula Independent Living Center for the 2022 Homer Steps Up! End-of-Challenge Party (and last Wellness Walk of the season) on Saturday, June 4th from 9am-10am at SPARC. We will be awarding the winning team with the trophy, announcing if we reached our community goal of 175 Million Steps Together in May or not, and awarding the individual winners of the end-of-challenge cash prizes!
Read the full challenge details at and on the Homer Steps Up Facebook page!

SPH sponsors Free Community Yoga

SPH will offer free community yoga, on Wednesday evenings at SPARC from 6:00 PM-7:00 PM, for four consecutive Wednesdays: March 16th, 23rd & 30th and April 6th.  Anna Raupp RYT, will offer “Yoga For Recovering From the Pandemic – Return to the Love of Life” in this series of classes for individuals of all ages and skill level.

It will explore some basic techniques of Kundalini Yoga to bring about relief and rejuvenation for the total self; mind, body and spirit. Each class will contain accessible breathing exercises, warm-ups, movement sequences, deep relaxation with the symphonic gong and mindfulness exercises designed to lift that deep fatigue and rekindle joy. Each class will have a theme related to releasing stress, strengthening one’s felt sense, and building resilience using kernels of ancient Yogic philosophy as well as current edge scientific theory.

The class will be a floor based practice with a combination of sitting and standing poses.  Please plan to bring your own yoga mat and a cushion to sit on. Accommodations can be made for those who would be better served to perform the practice from a chair.

COVID screening questions will happen at the door and be required for admission. Participants will be spaced 6′ apart and masks are optional but always encouraged. The cost is free. SPARC is on the Sterling Highway next to the Middle School in Homer.

Free COVID-19 Testing offered on the Homer Spit UPDATED INFORMATION

South Peninsula Hospital is offering free COVID-19 testing at the Boat House Pavilion on the Homer Spit daily (except Wednesdays) through Saturday, June 13, from 9am-5pm. There is no charge to the individual for testing. This testing is offered only to individuals who fit one of the following criteria:

  • working in critical infrastructure or the fishing industry,
  • have had recent travel out of state,
  • have been exposed to someone with a confirmed case of COVID-19,
  • they have new onset of any symptom related to COVID-19,
  • have a provider referral.

Results should be available within 48 hours via the hospital’s patient portal. No appointments are necessary. Individuals are asked to provide a driver’s license or state I.D., email address, social security number and phone number to register, and show an insurance card if insured. The pavilion is located at the top of ramp two, near the public restrooms at the Homer Harbor.

Additional testing is available 24/7 at the hospital’s main entrance parking lot at 4300 Bartlett Street, Homer. For more information about testing, call the covid nurse at the hospital at 235-0235. For more information on South Peninsula Hospital’s COVID-19 response, contact Derotha Ferraro at (907) 399-6212.

Stop the Bleed – Save a Life!

Minutes count! Someone who is severely bleeding can bleed to death in as little as 5 minutes. That’s why bleeding control is the purpose of The American College of Surgeons Stop the Bleed training.

So far, over 30 people in our community have been trained to Stop the Bleed, and over 1  million have been trained worldwide! 

Through a Stop the Bleed course, you’ll gain the ability to recognize life-threatening bleeding and intervene effectively. The person next to a bleeding victim may be the one who’s most likely to save them.

Opportunities to take this free, one-hour class in Homer will be offered regularly in 2020. Dates will be posted here and on community calendars. Add your name to the list to be contacted for the next class by calling 907-235-0285 or emailing

Take the course and become empowered to make a life or death difference when a bleeding emergency occurs. Stop the Bleed. Save a Life!

Click here more info about Stop the Bleed.

Click here for the PDF of the Stop the Bleed Booklet!

No-Cost Childbirth, Breastfeeding & Newborn Care Classes with Homer Medical Center’s West Wing Clinic Midwives

We offer childbirth, newborn care, and breastfeeding classes free of charge on a rotating basis throughout the year.  These classes are all held on Tuesday Evenings from 5:30pm – 7:30pm in the South Peninsula Hospital Conference Rooms 1 & 2 (park in the lower parking lot and enter through the double doors by the cafeteria).

Click here for dates, topics & more information on the upcoming Winter 2019 Class Series from November 19th through December 17th with Laura Greet, CNM & Julie McCarron, CNM, Certified Lactation Consultant.

You may bring a coach with you to class, you may bring food, and you may come to all, a few or even just one class!

For more information please contact the West Wing Midwives at (907) 435-3040

Walk with a Doc, Saturday November 16th with Dr. Ross Tanner!

Did you miss Know Your Numbers on November 14th? Forgot to ask an important question? Want a friend to learn about what you heard? Join Diabetes & Lipid Clinic of Alaska founder Ross Tanner, DO and South Peninsula Hospital’s Health & Wellness Department at SPARC (600 Sterling Hwy next to Homer Middle School) for our next “Walk with a Doc”! All are welcome Saturday, November 16th from 9:00 am-10:00 am for Dr. Tanner’s brief talk on Know Your Numbers: What your lab results can tell you about your health. Then, spend the rest of the hour walking at your own pace, chatting, and asking any questions!

Walk with a Doc Homer is always free, and open to all ages and abilities! There is parking up at the SPARC and down below in the Homer Middle School Parking lot. Find out more on Facebook or our page on the Walk with a Doc National website!

Walk with a Doc is a nationwide walking program for everyone interested in taking steps for a healthier lifestyle. What better way to start your weekend than on your feet making strides to help your heart and improving your general health to live longer! While you walk at your own pace, you’ll have the opportunity to have questions answered by local physicians.

There will be free blood pressure screenings, prizes, and refreshments!

Please bring clean indoor walking shoes.

Email, or call the Health & Wellness Department at (907) 235-0970 with questions or for more information!