Wellness Wednesday: Thyroid Health with Dr. Hennigan

Join SPH Specialty Clinic Provider and Endocrinologist Dr. Michael Hennigan as he shares with us the basics of thyroid health! The thyroid is an important endocrine gland that makes and releases certain hormones. The thyroid’s main job is to control metabolism (i.e- how the body uses energy!). Come learn more at Wellness Wednesday! 

End of Life Decision Making – recording now available

Thank you to all the many community members who attended this year’s installment of the free educational presentation “End of Life Decision Making” with Dr. Giulia Tortora from Homer Medical Center, local Estate Planning Attorney Lindsay Wolter, and Hospice of Homer Death Doula Morgan Laffert! These amazing professionals gave their presentation on end-of-life planning covering living wills, medical power of attorney, legal and medical decisions, and emotional considerations. For those of you who could not attend in person, or just want to watch again, we are happy to provide this recording, as well as the slides and handouts.

Direct link to video

Slides (compressed version) 

Presentation Handout

Estate Planning Handout

Alaska POLST (Physician Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment) Form

Alaska Advance Health Care Directive

The Five Wishes Document

Chaos Compass: Mindfulness with Teens

Ready to navigate life’s chaos with confidence? Introducing “Chaos Compass,” a free six-week course designed for teens aged 14-18, led by Homer Medical Center’s Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, Devry Garity. Explore a brain-based understanding of yourself and others as we journey through techniques to strengthen our minds, sharpen focus, manage emotions, make wise decisions, and cultivate deeper connections. Let’s chart our course together!

Chaos Compass: Mindfulness with Teens

Date: Thursdays: August 22nd – September 26th

Time: 4:15-5:30pm

Cost: Free

Location: KPC Campus

Audience: Teens ages 14-18

Email wellness@sphosp.org if interested. 

Panel Discussion Set on Addiction Treatment Services

Routes to Recovery, a panel discussion of local treatment options for substance misuse, will take place on Wednesday, June 5 at 5:30pm at the Kachemak Bay Campus on Pioneer Avenue.

This event will feature panelists from Homer Medical Center’s Medication for Addiction Treatment program, Set Free residential program, Ninilchik Traditional Council’s treatment and peer support program, Cook Inlet Counseling and SPH Serene Waters Mental Health Services. Panelists will discuss local options for residential and outpatient treatment, counseling services and peer support programs.

This event is free and open to the public, and designed for anyone interested in learning more about local substance misuse treatment for themselves, friends, family or anyone impacted by addiction. Individuals working the field of recovery are encouraged to attend as well.

This event is co-sponsored by South Peninsula Hospital and All Things Recovery.  Call Annie Garay, SPH Health & Wellness nurse educator, at (907) 235-0285 for additional information.

General Surgery Clinic and Seaworthy Functional Medicine Have Moved

SPH General Surgery Clinic and Seaworthy Functional Medicine have moved into the lower level of the main hospital building. The clinics are now co-located near the cafeteria and coffee shop. Patients should park in the lot at the top of Bartlett Street and use the sliding glass doors marked “Conference Rooms” (B) found near the sky bridge. Home Health has moved to the lower level of the SPH Specialty Clinic building at 4201 Bartlett Street (K). 

Chaos Compass: Mindfulness for Teens

Join Homer Medical Center’s Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, Devry Garity, for this 6-week mindfulness course.  Open to teens ages 14-18. FREE.

Email wellness@sphosp.org if interested. 

Join us for Wellness Wednesdays in March

Join us for March’s line up of Wellness Wednesday talks and yoga! March is “Meet Your Neighbor Month” Bring a friend… or come alone and meet someone new!

  • March 6 – Blue Zones: Secrets to a Long Life with Renae Blanton, MSN, FNP-BC, FAIHM, NTC
  • March 13 – Contemplative Practices Across Traditions with Reverend Lisa Talbott
  • March 20 – When Love Met Resilience with Kate Henry
  • March 27 – Wellness & Community with Jill Burnham

Community Pathways Survey

Seeking caregivers, families, or professionals who have or work with kids ages 7-17, or young adults ages 18-24 to take a survey to help understand the impacts of COVID-19 and identify ways that our kids need support.

You get $5 for your time with a chance to win $500!
Survey Deadline, February 28.

Take survey here: https://agnewbeck.com/kpbsurvey

FREE Covid Tests at www.covid.gov

Did you know it’s easy to get free at-⁠home COVID-⁠19 tests through the mail? Take advantage of this program that entitles every U.S. household to receive four free COVID-⁠19 rapid tests delivered directly to your home. After you’ve tested, report your result – whether it’s positive or negative! Report at-home test results to public health agencies at 

Wellness Wednesday: From Conflict to Connection with Donna Duncan, LCSW

Join us for an evening with Donna Duncan, LCSW and Clinical Director at South Peninsula Behavioral Healthy Services. She will discuss strategies for transforming conflict to connection. A great skill to have in any relationship.
Yoga this month is led by Joolee Aurand. Joolee has taught Restorative, Acro, AcroFit, Sampoorna, Vinyasa and Five Elements yoga classes from Antarctica to Puerto Rico to Alaska and Pennsylvania.
The focus for this evening’s acro yoga is “Therapeutic Flying.” It’s accessible to all, and a lovely way to commune with others.
We’ll also have hot soup and delicious bread! This is a FREE event; everyone is welcome! Come for a part or stay for all!