The annual Safe and Healthy Kids Fair is set for Saturday, April 29 from 10am-2pm at the Homer High School. This is a free, fun event for children from tots to teens to focus on safety, health and wellness. The fair offers more than 30 booths and stations with hands on activities and demonstrations. Loads of door prizes are given away throughout the free fair, including the grand prize giveaways at 1:30pm of a tricycle and bicycles.
A bike rodeo will take place in the school parking lot from 10am-noon. Kids can bring their bikes for a free inspection to get ready for safe, summer fun. Helmets are required, and are available for purchase on site. Free test rides on the drunk-driving simulator ATV cart are offered throughout the day in the parking lot.
Included in the fair is a Teen Room where teens can hang out and enjoy special presentations throughout the day. All teens who visit get entered into a drawing for a mountain bike and tablet.
Stations include safety information, a hand wash station, a teddy bear clinic, hearing tests, face painting, water safety, giveaways and more. Numerous summer programs offer sign up at the fair. Food will be available for purchase, and proceeds benefit the safe and healthy kids coalition, a local group of concerned agencies working towards safe and healthy youth and injury prevention.
For more information, contact Red Asselin at Sprout Family Services at 235-6044.